Home Care Exercises

Day 4 - Home Rehabilitation Program Intro

The specific spinal correction offered in our clinic consists of three vital components: our spinal adjustment procedure, in-clinic rehabilitation and at-home rehabilitation exercises. In the clinic, our doctor and staff will administer your adjustment and guide you through the in-clinic rehabilitation process. But what comes next—bar none—is the real difference maker in your spinal health. Nothing can replace your commitment to improvement. Your at-home exercises are crucial to building the muscles that stabilize your vertebrae, and keep your spine healthy long-term.

Remember, we are a team. And the most successful teams are those that work together.

Wobble Cushion 

To begin your at-home rehabilitation you'll first be introduced to wobble chair exercises. The wobble chair is typically an inflatable disc that simply sits on your chair or table. We'll demonstrate how to warm up your entire spine through each plane of motion using this simple, yet super effective tool.

Cervical Traction

This exercise is essential to removing abnormalities in the cervical spine as well as preventing degeneration of the vertebrae in your neck. Dr. Tony Nalda demonstrates how to safely use the cervical traction door unit.  Do slight pulls so you can feel the stretch in the cervical.

**Do NOT overexert

**Do NOT stand on any object while performing this exercise

Cervical Extension

This home care exercise focuses on stabilizing and strengthening the vertebrae in your neck. Your neck contains each of the cervical vertebra that give it a natural curve, known as the "arc of life." If you lose the curvature in your neck, your spinal cord damages and deteriorates as a result.

Place large sleeping aid on bridge of the nose and push your head down into the aid.  Make sure to only use your neck muscles.

Cervical Extension

Here we will demonstrate  the cervical extension exercise. The goal of this exercise is to strengthen and stabilize the bones and muscles in your neck to prevent them from shifting out of place. We will also show some common mistakes in form to help keep you injury-free.

Look up and put your hands behind your head.  Pull slightly with arms and use neck muscles to hold your head looking up.

Psoas Stretch Left Side

This exercise helps you improve subluxations in your pelvic region. By completing this exercise properly, you can stabilize and prevent future subluxations from occurring.

Psoas Stretch Right Side

This exercise helps you improve subluxations in your pelvic region. By completing this exercise properly, you can stabilize and prevent future subluxations from occurring.

Lumbar Extension

This exercise targets the lumbar vertebrae in your low back. Perform this exercise properly and you will accentuate the essential curve in your lower spine while stabilizing your lumbar vertebrae.

While sitting in a chair, push your belly out.  Use your arms with your hands on your knees to pull forward and force extension into low back.  You should feel the stretch in the low back.

Pelvic Blocking

This video explains and demonstrates the use of pelvic support wedges to strengthen and stabilize your cervical and lumbar spinal bones. This exercise is essential to maintaining the proper alignment of your spine.

Place the high wedge with the thick portion towards the head, and thin portion toward the feet.  Place the low wedge with the thick portion toward the feet and thin portion toward the head.  Lay on the blocks (pelvic/lumbar wedges) for the prescribed time.

**In this video, the wedges are demonstrated while using the progressive rolls.

Progressive Rolls

We'll demonstrate the proper use of your sleeping aids and pelvic wedges. This system of supports helps maintain the necessary natural curves of your spine. At night, your nervous system actually becomes more active. Use your doctor-prescribed supports and wedges to get the most out of every adjustment procedure.

The firmness and size of your progressive rolls have been fit for you to maintain proper spinal alignment while you sleep.  Start with the medium (pink/red) rolls.  To train the body to use the rolls, begin by trying to fall asleep on them while keeping your current pillow close by.  Go as long as you can.  If you find yourself rolling off the rolls, you can use your old pillow for the rest of the night.  Once you can sleep on the medium (pink/red) progressive rolls uninterrupted for 2-3 hours, begin to use the firm (grey) progressive rolls.  Slowly you will find yourself able to go longer through the night.  Over the course of 4-6 months, you should be able to make the whole night.

**On your prescription sheet, L=Large (3.5" diameter) and S=Small (2-2.5" diameter).

Head Weighting

This exercise helps reestablish the cervical curve in your neck, which is essential to optimizing the function of your entire nervous system. Dr. Tony Nalda demonstrates how to use the head weighting equipment safely.

Use the placement of the headweights listed on your "Homecare Prescription Sheet."

dr l2


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